Sunday, April 19, 2009


Here are some of the reviews of the movie Twilight people on Rotten Tomatoes gave on the website. Most movie connoisseurs know Rotten Tomatoes for their harsh reviews. If a movie gets over an 80%, then it's a really fantastic movie. To give some much needed perspective, National Treasure (a fun family favorite) was given a 43%. Twilight, though the book is loved by people literally everywhere, only received a 49%.

"If you're a fan of the book, I'm so sorry." - Marc Fennell

"The genre has certainly come a long way from I Was a Teenage Werewolf." - Kam Williams

"I watched Twilight in a cinema full of young girls who, when they weren't texting friends and guzzling soft drinks, giggled, sighed and exhaled with a passion that was not only endearing, but a measure of its emotional truth." - Sukhdev Sandhu

Being an avid follower of the Twilight series, I was just as excited to see the movie as all of the giggling, soda guzzling girls that Sandhu speaks of in the previous review. However, while I may have laughed at the awkward and badly done special effects, I did not partake in the sighing, and passion. I have several problems with this movie, my first problem is Edward. Stephanie Meyer wrote a fantastic description of the most handsome, and attractive man on earth. Only, he was a little less man and a little more vampire. I understand that realistically, it's impossible to hunt down an actor that looks "out of this world" beautiful. Still, I think that the casting director could have found someone slightly more beautiful that Robert Pattinson. I am thinking that Milo Ventimiglia from Heroes is a much better pick. He's got that great vampire-looking jaw line, and he's a far better actor than Pattinson. I also have my qualms with the actress chosen to play Bella. Kristen Stewart is not who I pictured while I read, and reread the books. I expected to see someone a bit clumsier, and softer in feature. I expected to see a girl who the most gorgeous vampire in history (except for Angel and Spike from Buffy) would go crazy over. Stewart just isn't that girl.

The biggest problem is the actual execution of the plot. The book details these star-crossed lovers, and all you can think about the entire book is that you want Edward to bite Bella, and they can be together forever. In the book, the intensity makes sense. In the movie, their love is confusing. Edward is creepy, but Bella is still attracted to give, and two minutes later she wants to be a vampire, and Edward is ready to kill in order to keep her safe. There was a serious lack of character development.

This movie did not have a big budget, so the special effects were probably the best that they could afford. However, even the movies with the smallest budgets, Napoleon Dynamite for example, can have great character development. The director fell short, and the movie fell short, disappointing fans everywhere.

Here are some other ratings from Rotten Tomatoes:

Star Wars: 95%

Dark Knight: 94%

Toy Story: 100%

National Treasure: 43%

Bolt: 88%

Hellboy 2: 88%

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