Sunday, April 12, 2009

TeamOC to run in OKC Memorial Marathon

  • TeamOC will be running in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.

  • Anyone from OC can register with TeamOC, OC will pay half of the registration fee.

  • OKC Marathon is to honor the 168 people who died in the Oklahoma City Bombing.

picture taken from

TeamOC running in Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Neil Arter was seen running down Bryant towards Sonic with a posse of people from the admissions, and physical education departments. Arter and his running mates are a part of TeamOC, and they have been running down Bryant for a few weeks training for the Oklahoma City Marathon. The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon is a race that is not about running—it is about life,” says the introduction of the website. This marathon is to remember the 168 people who died in the Oklahoma City bombing. There will be 168 banners lining the course of the marathon, one banner for each of the victims. Participants in the marathon come for many different reasons. “I had the opportunity to run in it last year and it was quite the experience,” said Harrison Barbarick, OC alumnus. “It allowed me have a completely different view of the city. Instead of speeding down the streets to reach my destination, I was able to job along enjoying the different areas of town at a peaceful pace. While I will not be running this year, I hope to share some part in the similar experience of others.”

Barbarick is going to volunteer in this year’s marathon handing out water to the runners with his good friend, Will Blanchard. “The reason I am volunteering is to become more connected with the OC community, and the greater OKC community,” said Blanchard, the Assistant Director for Foundation Relations at OC. “I think it’s kind of a shame to miss out on a day that many people get together, have fun, and participate and in such a significant memorial.”
Not everyone from OC will be joining TeamOC in the marathon. “I am not going this year because they don’t have a stroller walk,” said Emily Stringer, an assistant for Planned Giving. “I heard the regular walk was too crowded to take a stroller.” For those who do not run, and have small children, the marathon is less than accommodating. While strollers are not discouraged, they are hard to navigate through the crowd. Even though Stringer will not be participating in the marathon, she is a fan of the cause. “I think the marathon is great thing! I may definitely do it in future as it is a great work out,” said Stringer.

Register with TeamOC and OC will pay half the cost of the registration fee

Anyone can register with TeamOC, including faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends. Registration is simple, and can be done on OC’s website. OC provides at least half of the registration fee, which comes with a goody bag and T-shirt, and a TeamOC running shirt to wear on the day of the race. It also includes a pre-race meal on OC’s campus prior to running the race. All of this is included in the registration fee, which is 35 dollars for the full marathon.

OKC Memorial Marathon honors 168 who died in OKC Bombing

Arter is not the only person on OC’s campus excited about TeamOC’s involvement in the OKC marathon. There are many students, staff members, and faculty members that are honored to be involved in this memorial event. It is important to a lot of Oklahomans to show their support for the marathon, and the 168 people who died in the bombing. Though running, sweating, and possibly falling on the pavement is not everyone’s ideal way to spend a Saturday, on April 19, TeamOC will be joining hundreds of other runners to show the community their support for the cause.

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