Monday, October 20, 2008

New Release: Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was recently released onto DVD and Blu-ray. This is the fourth move in the Indiana Jones series, coming along nearly 20 years after the last movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. George Lucas did not want to wait 20 years, but it took that long for him to convince others that having aliens in an Indiana Jones movie was a good idea. Even after 20 years, when the trailers suggested alien activity viewers were skeptical as to whether the movie would live up to the Indiana legend. Viewers were also concerned with another addition to the movie--Shia LaBeouf. There are rumors that LaBeouf will be taking Harrison Ford's place in the future Indiana Jones movies. Mutt Williams (played by LaBeouf) is the son of Indiana Jones. With this story line, the Indiana legend torch could easily be passed onto LaBeouf. There are no Jones style movies starring LaBeouf that are currently in production, so all we can do is wait.

The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was different than the first three movies, but there were obvious references back to the original trilogy. Before the viewer see's Indiana's face--he/she sees Indy's famous hat, and slowly watches Indiana as he puts his hat back on his head. Mutt tries to save Indiana from quick sand with a snake. Viewers know from previous movies that Indiana Jones is scared of nothing--except snakes. Mutt Williams and his mother Marion bring up past events as well. Indiana was supposed to marry Marion, and Mutt is Indiana's son. Since Sean Connery declined to have a roll in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, his picture had a brief cameo as Indiana explained that his father, Professor Henry Jones had died.

Overall fans welcomed the forth Indiana Jones. The movie had stereotypical Indiana Jones action, surprise, and a hint of romance. The added ingredient of aliens was odd, but the 20 year distance between movies helped the subject ease into the story frame. For the most part, die-hard Indiana Jones fans will not be disappointed.

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